TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), a free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States, will cover also the activities undertaken by young entrepreneurs. The proposed regulations raise hopes among them, but also a lot of concern.
The scope and progress of negotiations of the agreement as well as opportunities and threats it carries to young entrepreneurs are just some of the topics that will be discussed by the experts from Poland, Europe and the United States during the round table on a TTIP. The participants are organizations associated in YES for Europe – European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs, representation of young entrepreneurs from the USA, representation of the European Commission and economic think tanks. The opening remark will be given by the Polish Ambassador to the US, Mr Ryszard Schnepf.
The main objective of the discussion is to develop a common statement on the agreement TTIP from the perspective of young entrepreneurs from Europe and the USA. This declaration will then be transferred to the hands of the European Commission and the US State Department.
The session will be held during the 4th EYEC on 12th October at 03.00 p.m. at the International Conference Centre in Katowice. Participation in the sessions and in the entire EYEC is free after free registration at