The 4th European Youth Entrepreneurship Conference goal is to leverage on the momentum built as a result of the previous conferences in London, Rome and Athens to update the 2015-16 plan of action and continued revamping of Yes for Europe, making sure that Young Entrepreneurs in Europe are well connected and have a strong, collective voice.

This edition of EYEC will bring together EU and US young entrepreneurs under the theme “EU-US Young Entrepreneurs Summit Katowice 2015” to talk about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (#TTIP) and its impact on youth entrepreneurship. EYEC will take place in Katowice, Poland on the 12-14th of October during the 5th European Economic Congress of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises. The Congress is organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice and is the biggest event in Europe targeting SME’s.

TTIP is currently negotiated by teams of negotiators from the European Commission and the US government. The aim of the agreement is to create growth and jobs on both sides of the Atlantic by removing trade barriers, which would boost investment in the economies of both regions. These negotiations should not neglect the role, the opinion and the point of view of young entrepreneurs who build the economies of future.

The conference aims also to conclude to an updated structure, membership and governance for YES for Europe, implementing the tighter bilateral and multilateral cooperation across Associations representing Young Entrepreneurs across Europe and to launch the discussion for the “YES Agenda 2016-2021” outlining the European Young Entrepreneurs’ vision on Europe’s economy.



Welcome Statement


The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership presents unprecedented challenges and opportunities to the Young Entrepreneurs at both of the two largest unified economic activity areas of the planet. As YES for Europe has early identified the need for overcoming the market fragmentation barriers, we naturally have a positive stand against TTIP. However we do aim to making sure that every single young entrepreneur of Europe has credible information on what TTIP truly is, how it may influence their business and prospects and, most importantly, how their voice can be heard loudly and clearly during the negotiations phase. In this context we are thrilled to announce the EU-U.S. Young Entrepreneurs Summit in Katowice and to invite young entrepreneurs from all across Europe to join, meet their US counterparts and work together for creating the largest economic partnership of all times.

Dimitris Tsingos
YES for Europe – European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs




Our goal as organizers is to bring young entrepreneurs from the EU and the U.S. together to let us focus our discussion on the TTIP, currently under negotiation between European Union and United States officials. We believe that the value of the partnership and its impact on youth entrepreneurship, start-ups and the whole economy will be promoted while, at the same time, keeping the perspective of young people in mind. The agenda will be concentrated on a roundtable discussion, panel discussion and workshops, all concerning the importance of youth entrepreneuship and the TTIP itself.

Przemyslaw Grzywa
Head of Organizing Committee
EU-US Young Entrepreneurs Summit Katowice 2015



About the European Youth Entrepreneurship Conference

The European Youth Entrepreneurship Conference is a new instutution created by YES for Europe to help young entrepreneurs from all around Europe network, exchange ideas and best practices and make their concerns and policy suggestions heard, especially towards the European Union leadership.